University of East Anglia

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • UEA — ist die Abkürzung für die Universala Esperanto Asocio sie University of East Africa die University of East Anglia die Universidade do Estado do Amazonas die Utah Education Association Uea ist der Name einer Insel der Rotuma Inseln, siehe Uea… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • UEA — may stand for:Universities: *University of East Anglia, a university in Norwich, England *University of the State of Amazonas (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas), a university in Manaus, Brazil *University of Macau, formerly the University of… …   Wikipedia

  • UEA — puede referirse a: Universidad del Estado del Amazonas, en Manaos. Universala Esperanto Asocio, que es la asociación internacional de Esperanto. University of East Anglia, universidad en Norwich, Inglaterra. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga …   Wikipedia Español

  • Uēa — Uēa, 1) (Uvea, Wallis) polynes. Inselgruppe unter französischem Protektorat, westlich von Samoa, 96 qkm mit 4000 Einw., die den Tonganern ähnlich sind. Die Gruppe besteht aus der 60 qkm großen Hauptinsel U., hoch, bergig und vulkanischen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • UEA — Страны, в которых UEA представлено местной организацией эсперантистов (Landaj Asocioj de UEA). По состоянию на 2008 год Всемирная ассоциация эсперанто (эспер. Universala Esperanto Asocio; UEA)  крупнейшая международная организация эсперантистов,… …   Википедия

  • UEA — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le sigle UEA peut désigner : l Association mondiale d espéranto (Universala Esperanto Asocio) ; l University of East Anglia, une université… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Uea (Insel) — Uea Karte von Rotuma, Uea oben links Gewässer Pazifischer Ozean Inselgruppe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • UEA Pirates — BUAFLinfobox | name = UEA Pirates founded = 1987 city = Norwich, Norfolk university = University of East Anglia uniform = colours = Black and Golden Yellow color box|#000000 color box|#FFDF00 owner = general manager = Tim Barber coach = Martyn… …   Wikipedia

  • UEA Angels — The UEA Angels are a cheerleading team based at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England.The Angels was formed as a Union of UEA Students student society by UEA student Alex Sim Wise, and officially came into existence at the beginning… …   Wikipedia

  • UEA Creative Writing Course — The University of East Anglia s Creative Writing Course was founded by Sir Malcolm Bradbury and Sir Angus Wilson in 1970. The M.A. is widely regarded as one of the most respected in the country and competition for places is notoriously tough.… …   Wikipedia

  • UEA — University of East Anglia (Academic & Science » Universities) * United Earth Alliance (Miscellaneous » Science Fiction) * United Equipment Accessories, Inc. (Business » Firms) * United Educators Association (Community » Non Profit Organizations)… …   Abbreviations dictionary

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