econ. Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • SPDR (disambiguation) — SPDR can mean: * Standard Poor s Depositary Receipts, an exchange traded fund. * System Peril Distributed Reflex is the name given to one of the AIs in the alternate reality game The Haunted Apiary (aka I Love Bees) …   Wikipedia

  • SPDR — Standard & Poor s Depository Receipts (Business » Stock Exchange) Standard & Poor s Depository Receipts (Business » General) * Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (Community » Non Profit Organizations) * Single Player Demo Release (Community » Sports) *… …   Abbreviations dictionary

  • SPDR — The Standard and Poor s depositary receipt. This is a tracking stock which trades like an index mutual fund which follows the S&P 500. It trades continuously. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • SPDR — Software Preliminary Design Review NASA …   Acronyms

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  • SPDR: депозитная расписка фирмы STANDARD & POORS — расписка, которой торгуют на Американской фондовой бирже, где она обозначена SPY . Эти ценные бумаги получили название spiders (пауки), они представляют долгосрочный паевой инвестиционный фонд, у которого есть портфель обыкновенных акций,… …   Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь

  • Spiders - SPDR — A short form of Standard Poor s depositary receipt, an exchange traded fund (ETF) managed by State Street Global Advisors that tracks the Standard Poor s 500 Index (S P 500). Each share of spider contains one tenth of the S P index and trades at… …   Investment dictionary

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  • List of exchange-traded funds — This is a table of notable exchange traded funds, or ETFs. ETFs in various nations The ETFs available on exchanges vary from country to country. Many of the ETFs listed below are available exclusively on that nation s primary stock exchange and… …   Wikipedia

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