
preferred shares

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • pref — pref; pref·ac·er; pref·a·to·ri·al; pref·a·to·ri·ly; pref·a·to·ry; pref·er·a·bil·i·ty; pref·er·a·ble; pref·er·a·ble·ness; pref·er·ence; pref·er·en·dum; pref·er·ent; pref·er·en·tial; pref·er·en·tial·ism; pref·er·en·tial·ist; pref·ace;… …   English syllables

  • pref — written abbreviation for Preference; Preferred ( Shares) * * * pref ► FINANCE, STOCK MARKET WRITTEN ABBREVIATION for PREFERENCE(Cf. ↑preference) …   Financial and business terms

  • pref — abbrev. 1. preface 2. prefatory 3. preference 4. preferred 5. prefix * * * …   Universalium

  • pref — abbrev. 1. preface 2. prefatory 3. preference 4. preferred 5. prefix …   English World dictionary

  • pref|a|to|ri|al — «PREHF uh TR ee uhl, TOHR », adjective. = prefatory. (Cf. ↑prefatory) …   Useful english dictionary

  • pref|a|to|ri|ly — «PREHF uh TR uh lee, TOHR », adverb. by way of preface …   Useful english dictionary

  • pref|a|to|ry — «PREHF uh TR ee, TOHR », adjective. of or like a preface; given as a preface; introductory; preliminary: »The issue also contains a prefatory note assuring the reader…that it is possible for a magazine to take advertising and still be honest (New …   Useful english dictionary

  • pref — UK rap/hip hop term, an abbreviated form of preferential treatment. When I play gigs, my manager makes sure I get the pref …   Dictionary of american slang

  • pref — UK rap/hip hop term, an abbreviated form of preferential treatment. When I play gigs, my manager makes sure I get the pref …   Dictionary of american slang

  • pref — parinktis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Programos parametras (savybė), kurio reikšmę (būseną, nuostatą ir pan.) galima parinkti iš galimų reikšmių sąrašo. atitikmenys: angl. option; pref; preference …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • pref. — abbr. 1 prefix. 2 preface. 3 a preference. b preferred. * * * 1. preface. 2. prefaced. 3. prefatory. 4. preference. 5. preferred. 6. prefix. 7. prefixed. * * * abbrev 1. Preface 2. Preference …   Useful english dictionary

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