- abbr.peak inverse voltage (of a diode)
Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.
Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.
piv — piv·ot·al·ly; piv·ot·er; piv·ot; piv·ot·al; … English syllables
piv´ot|al|ly — piv|ot|al «PIHV uh tuhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with a pivot. 2. Figurative. being that on which something turns, hinges, or depends; very important: »The need for financial aid is a pivotal issue for survival of the new Russian… … Useful english dictionary
piv|ot|al — «PIHV uh tuhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with a pivot. 2. Figurative. being that on which something turns, hinges, or depends; very important: »The need for financial aid is a pivotal issue for survival of the new Russian government.… … Useful english dictionary
PIV — may stand for:* Pinnacle Internet Viewer mdash; an online grading system for schools * Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, an extensive, monolingual dictionary of Esperanto * Particle image velocimetry mdash; optical method to measure velocities * Pentium 4 … Wikipedia
PIV — Abreviatura de pielografía intravenosa. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
piv|ot — «PIHV uht», noun, verb, adjective. –n. 1. a short shaft, pin, or point on which something turns. The pin of a hinge or the end of an axle or spindle is a pivot. 2. a turn on a pivot. 3. Figurative. that on which something turns, hinges, or… … Useful english dictionary
PIV — Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto Gaston Waringhien avec le manuscrit du Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto Auteur Gaston Waringhien Genre Dictionnaire unilingue Pay … Wikipédia en Français
pìv — in pív medm. (ȉ; ȋ) posnema glas pivke, kavke, srne: piv, piv, piv, se oglaša pivka … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
pivə — is. <rus. пиво> Arpa səmənisindən hazırlanan azspirtli köpüklü içki. Pivə mayası. Mayaotu pivəyə xarakterik və acıtəhər dad verir. – <İlyas:> Mənə də iki stəkan pivə verdilər, içdim. Ə. M … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
PIV — Die Abkürzung PIV bedeutet: Particle Image Velocimetry, ein optisches Messverfahren Pentium 4, einen Mikroprozessor, siehe Intel Pentium 4 Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, ein Esperanto Wörterbuch Positive Infinitely Variable, ein mechanisch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
piv — A name you call someone who s being annoying, stupid, funny, or weird. If someone repeatedly asks you, What are you wearing to the concert tonight? and you keep answering, I don t know. But they still ramble on, then you can say, Get away from me … Dictionary of american slang