
per capita (Lat.) = per person

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • per cap|i|ta — «puhr KAP uh tuh», 1. for each person: »$40 for eight men is $5 per capita. 2. Law. divided among a number of individuals in equal shares, as an inheritance or estate. ╂[< Medieval Latin per by, according to, and Latin capita, neuter plural of …   Useful english dictionary

  • per cap. — per cap., per capita …   Useful english dictionary

  • per cap·i·ta — /pɚˈkæpətə/ adv : by or for each person What is the average income per capita in the state? [=what is the average income for people in the state?; how much money does each person in the state earn on average?] per capita adj The state s average… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hy|per|cap|ni|a — «HY puhr KAP nee uh», noun. Medicine. an excessive amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. ╂[< hyper + Greek kapnós smoke] …   Useful english dictionary

  • cap — cap·no·di·a·ce·ae; cap·no·di·um; cap·pa; cap·pagh; cap·pa·ri·da·ce·ae; cap·pa·ris; cap·pe·len·ite; cap·pel·let·ti; cap·pie; cap·po; cap·py; cap·ra; cap·ral·de·hyde; cap·rate; cap·ric; cap·ri·cor·nis; cap·ri·dae; cap·ri·fi·cate; cap·ri·fi·ca·tion; …   English syllables

  • per — per·acetic; per·acid; per·act; per·acute; per·alkaline; per·aluminous; per·am·bu·lant; per·am·bu·late; per·am·bu·la·tion; per·am·bu·la·tor; per·am·bu·la·to·ry; per·a·na·kan; per·bend; per·borate; per·bromide; Per·bu·nan; per·ca; per·cale;… …   English syllables

  • per capita — per cap|i|ta [ pər kæpıtə ] adjective FORMAL based on calculations that show the average amount for each person affected: a rise in per capita income ╾ per cap|i|ta adverb: Britain spends more per capita on defense than many other European… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • per capita — per cap·i·ta /pər ka pə tə/ adv or adj [Medieval Latin, by heads] 1: equally to each individual all property to pass to the descendants per capita used of a method of distributing an esp. intestate estate compare per stirpes ◇ Per capita… …   Law dictionary

  • per capita — per cap‧i‧ta [pə ˈkæptə ǁ pər ] adverb ECONOMICS for or by each person: • Japanese visitors spending per capita was much higher than average spending by tourists from other countries. • The US uses twice as much oil per capita as European… …   Financial and business terms

  • per-capita — per cap‧i‧ta [pə ˈkæptə ǁ pər ] adverb ECONOMICS for or by each person: • Japanese visitors spending per capita was much higher than average spending by tourists from other countries. • The US uses twice as much oil per capita as European… …   Financial and business terms

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