
Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • EOR — could refer to:* Earth Orbit Rendezvous, a proposed method for space missions to the Moon * Electro optic rectification, a non linear optical process * Enhanced oil recovery, a term in petroleum production * Epping Ongar Railway, a heritage… …   Wikipedia

  • eorðærn — eorðærn2 n ( es/ ) an earth place, earth house, a tomb, grave, sepulchre …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • eorðe — f ( an/ an) 1. the earth, ground, soil, (1) as a surface; (1a) of a part of the surface which has special characteristics, (rough, etc.) ground; (2) as a solid stratum; (2a) as a place of burial; (3) as suitable for cultivation, soil, land; (3a)… …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • EOR — Das Akronym EOR steht für: Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance, die international verwendete Abkürzung für Munitionsaufklärung bei Streitkräften oder Polizeien. End Of Record oder End Of Run, eine Abkürzung aus der Informatik für ein Steuerzeichen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • EOR — Élève officier de réserve Un élève officier de réserve (EOR) est un futur officier (initialement du grade d aspirant) dans l armée française. Sommaire 1 Devenir officier de réserve lors de la conscription 2 Devenir officier de réserve aujourd hui …   Wikipédia en Français

  • eorð — see eorðe, heorð …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • eorðu — see eorðe …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • EOR — End of Rant (Statement) • I hate this....that....those things over there....oh and I can t stand these things either. Something needs to be done. EOR …   Glossary of chat acronyms & text shorthand

  • eorðbúend — eorðbúend2 m ( es/ ) earth dweller, earth inhabitant, an inhabitant of earth, man …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • eorðbúgend — eorðbúgend2 m ( es/ ) earth dweller, earth inhabitant, an inhabitant of earth, man …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • eorðbúgigend — eorðbúgigend2 m ( es/ ) earth dweller, earth inhabitant, an inhabitant of earth, man …   Old to modern English dictionary

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