comp. Debug Service
comp. Database Server
electr. DIL-bent-SIL power package

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • DBS — steht für: Datenbanksystem Aston Martin DBS, ein englischer Sportwagen (1967 1972) Aston Martin DBS (2007), ein englischer Sportwagen (seit 2007) Danaher Business System, lean manufacturing business Modell implementiert durch die Danaher… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • DBS — sigla ES ingl. Direct Broadcasting Satellite, satellite per trasmissione diretta …   Dizionario italiano

  • DBS — (Direct Broadcast Satellite) high powered digital television system in which signals are broadcast directly to customers homes via satellite and are received by small antennas (Telecommunications) …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • DBS — The acronym DBS may refer to: Contents 1 Automobiles 2 Technology 3 Education …   Wikipedia

  • DBS — • Datenbanksystem • Data Base Space Datenbankraum, entspricht Speicherplatz für Daten in einem DBMS • Direct Broadcast Satellite hochleistungsfähiger Sende und Empfangssatellit (200W pro Kanal), empfangbar mit kleinen Parabolantennen (40 60cm… …   Acronyms

  • DBS — [1] Datenbanksystem [2] Data Base Space Datenbankraum, entspricht Speicherplatz für Daten in einem DBMS [3] Direct Broadcast Satellite hochleistungsfähiger Sende und Empfangssatellit (200W pro Kanal), empfangbar mit kleinen Parabolantennen (40… …   Acronyms von A bis Z

  • DBS — 1. DBS Microwave Inc. Contributor: GSFC 2. Direct Broadcast Satellite Contributor: CASI 3. Direct Broadcast Sounder Contributor: CASI …   NASA Acronyms

  • DBS — Dumb Bitch Syndrome. Your mom stole my liquor, she must suffer from DBS …   Dictionary of american slang

  • DBS — Dumb Bitch Syndrome. Your mom stole my liquor, she must suffer from DBS …   Dictionary of american slang

  • DBS — abbr. 1 direct broadcast satellite. 2 direct broadcasting by satellite. * * * abbreviation direct broadcast satellite * * * Television. direct broadcast satellite: a satellite that transmits television signals that can be picked up directly by a… …   Useful english dictionary

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