comp. Digital-to-Analog Converter
comp. Data Authentication Code
comp. Discretionary Access Control
comp. Data Acquisition and Control
comp. Design Augmented by Computer
comp. Digital Arithmetic Centre
comp. Design Automation Conference
econ. Development Assistance Committee
tech. Drive Automatic Computer

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • DAC-1 — DAC 1, for Design Augmented by Computer, was one of the earliest graphical computer aided design systems. Developed by General Motors, IBM was brought in as a partner in 1960 and the two developed the system and released it to production in 1963 …   Wikipedia

  • dać — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 17}}ZOB. {{/stl 17}}{{stl 7}}dawać{{/stl 7}}{{stl 17}}ZOB. {{/stl 17}}{{stl 7}}buzi dać; ja ci [wam] dam; nie dać [nie zapłacić] (złamanego) grosza [centa]; nie dać {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}{czegoś} {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}}poznać po sobie;… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

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  • dac — DAC, Ă, daci, ce, adj. s.m. şi f. 1. adj. Care se referă la Dacia sau la populaţia ei, privitor la Dacia sau la populaţia ei; dacic. 2. s.m. şi f. Persoană care făcea parte din populaţia de bază a Daciei. – Din lat. Dacus. Trimis de ana zecheru,… …   Dicționar Român

  • DAC-1 — DAC 1, acronyme de Design Augmented by Computer, était l un des premiers systèmes graphiques de CAO. Conçu initialement par General Motors, puis en partenariat avec IBM à partir de 1960, il a été utilisé industriellement en 1963. Il a été… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • DAC — The Departmental Advisory Committee on Arbitration Law. A committee set up in 1985 and disbanded in 1997, which examined the operation of arbitration legislation and improvements to the system of arbitration in England and Wales. Under the… …   Law dictionary

  • DAC-1 — (Design Augmented by Computer) war ein frühes CAD (computer aided design) System, das 1964 von General Motors vorgestellt wurde. Das DAC 1 Projekt, anfänglich “Digital Design” genannt, wurde 1959 von einer fünfköpfigen Gruppe begonnen. Das Ziel… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • DAC — (Digital to Analog Convertor) device which converts digital signals into analog signals (Computers, Telecommunications) …   English contemporary dictionary

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