- abbr.balance of payment
Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.
Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.
bop — bop … Dictionnaire des rimes
Bop It — is an electronic game of mental skill, first marketed by Parker Brothers, Milton Bradley, Tiger Electronics, and Hasbro in 1996. The game consists of a single player responding to auditory commands with the correct of several actions. This game… … Wikipedia
Bop — or bop may refer to:* bop, a smack, strike, or punch * bop, shortened form of Bebop, an early modern jazz developed in the 1940s **hard bop, a style of jazz music that is extension of bebop (or bop ) music * bop, organised party or club night at… … Wikipedia
bop — s.n. Stil de jaz american, caracterizat prin folosirea armoniilor cromatice şi disonante. [var. be bop s.n. / < americ. be bop]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.02.2009. Sursa: DN BOP/BE BÓP s. n. stil în jaz caracterizat prin folosirea… … Dicționar Român
bop — bòp s.m.inv. TS mus. → be bop {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1955. ETIMO: dall ingl. bop, accorc. di be bop … Dizionario italiano
bop — bȍp m DEFINICIJA glazb. vrsta jazza, usp. bebop ETIMOLOGIJA amer.engl. bop … Hrvatski jezični portal
bop — Ⅰ. bop [1] informal ► NOUN chiefly Brit. 1) a dance to pop music. 2) a social occasion with dancing. ► VERB (bopped, bopping) ▪ dance to pop music. DERIVATIVES … English terms dictionary
bop — op n. an early form of modern jazz (originating around 1940). Syn: bebop. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
BOP — Bureau of Prisons Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary
Bop — der; [s], s: Kurzform von ↑Bebop … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
bop — 1948, shortening of BEBOP (Cf. bebop); it soon came to mean any sort of dancing to pop music (1956) … Etymology dictionary