
Messieurs (Fr.) = Gentlemen

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • messrs — messrs· …   English syllables

  • Messrs — Messrs. [[t]ˈmɛs ərz[/t]] pl. of Mr …   From formal English to slang

  • Messrs — [ˈmesəz ǁ ərz] the plural of MR, used in the names of companies: • The aqueduct was designed by Messrs Scott, Wilson, Kirkpatrick & Partners. * * * Messrs UK US UK OLD FASHIONED (US Messrs.) /ˈmesəz/ noun ► used as the plural of Mr before the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Messrs — Messrs, originally a contraction of French Messieurs ‘gentlemen’, was formerly common as a plural form of Mr in business and commercial use (e.g. Messrs. Berkeley, Stratton & Co.), but has now fallen into disuse in most parts of the English… …   Modern English usage

  • Messrs — Messrs. (oder MM.), Abkürzung für Messieurs (franz., spr. mäßjö), »meine Herren«, auch in englischen Briefaufschriften (spr. méßjers) üblich …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Messrs. — Messrs. (engl., spr. mĕschrs), Abkürzung von Messieurs, (die) Herren (bes. bei Firmen in Briefaufschriften) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Messrs — [mes′ərz] abbrev. messieurs: now used chiefly as the pl. of MR. * * * …   Universalium

  • Messrs. — Messrs. [ mesəz ] VERY FORMAL the plural of Mr. : often used with the names of two or more men in the name of a business …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • messrs — abbreviation of messieurs (1620s), which is the plural of Fr. monsieur (see MONSIEUR (Cf. monsieur)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Messrs. — Messrs. (messieurs) n. plural of Mister; plural of Mr …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Messrs — [mes′ərz] abbrev. messieurs: now used chiefly as the pl. of MR …   English World dictionary

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