Am\ Phys\ Soc

Am\ Phys\ Soc
American Physical Society

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • X-ray crystallography — can locate every atom in a zeolite, an aluminosilicate with many important applications, such as water purification. X ray crystallography is a method of determining the arrangement of atoms within a crystal, in which a beam of X rays strikes a… …   Wikipedia

  • Magic angle spinning — Magic angle spinning: The sample (blue) is rotating with high frequency inside the main magnetic field (B0). The axis of rotation is tilted by the magic angle θm with respect to the direction of B0. In nuclear magnetic resonance, magic angle… …   Wikipedia

  • Mitsutaka Fujita — Born 1959 Niihama, Ehime Nationality …   Wikipedia

  • Резонанс Фано — тип резонанса с асимметричным профилем, возникающего в результате интерференции двух волновых процессов. Природа интерферирующих процессов может быть самой различной, поэтому такой резонанс носит универсальный характер и появляется в различных… …   Википедия

  • Pinch (plasma physics) — For other uses, see Pinch (disambiguation). Lightning bolts illustrating electromagnetically pinched plasma filaments …   Wikipedia

  • Arturo Duperier Vallesa — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Arturo Duperier Vallesa (Pedro Bernardo, Ávila, 12 de noviembre de 1896 Madrid, España, 10 de febrero de 1959). Físico español, destacado especialmente por su estudio de la radiación cósmica, por el cual llegó a ser… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Графен — Пожалуйста, актуализируйте данные В этой статье данные предоставлены преимущественно за 2007 2008 гг …   Википедия

  • Magnetic refrigeration — Gadolinium alloy heats up inside the magnetic field and loses thermal energy to the environment, so it exits the field cooler than when it entered. Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling technology based on the magnetocaloric effect. This technique… …   Wikipedia

  • Heusler alloy — A Heusler alloy is a ferromagnetic metal alloy based on a Heusler phase. Heusler phases are intermetallics with particular composition and face centered cubic crystal structure. They are ferromagnetic even though the constituting elements are not …   Wikipedia

  • Crystal structure of boron-rich metal borides — Two single crystals of YB66 (1 cm diameter) grown by floating zone technique using (100) oriented seeds. In the top crystal, the seed (left from the black line) has same diameter as the crystal. In the bottom crystal (sliced), the seed is much… …   Wikipedia

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