- imp.
- abbr.importimportedimporter
Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.
Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.
Imp — Imp, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Imped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Imping}.] [AS. impian to imp, ingraft, plant; akin to Dan. ympe, Sw. ympa, OHG. impf[=o]n, impit[=o]n, G. impfen. See {Imp}, n.] 1. To graft; to insert as a scion. [Obs.] Rom. of R. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
imp — imp·ing; imp·ish; imp·son·ite; pal·imp·ses·tic; imp; pal·imp·sest; imp·ish·ly; imp·ish·ness; … English syllables
Imp — ([i^]mp), n. [OE. imp a graft, AS. impa; akin to Dan. ympe, Sw. ymp, prob. fr. LL. impotus, Gr. ? engrafted, innate, fr. ? to implant; ? in + ? to produce; akin to E. be. See 1st {In }, {Be}.] 1. A shoot; a scion; a bud; a slip; a graft. [Obs.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
IMP — ist die Abkürzung für: IMP (Kompression), ein Kompressionsverfahren Chrysler IMP, ein PKW Modell der 1920er und 1930er Jahre, siehe Chrysler Imperial Illinois Malicious Processor, ein Proof of Concept OpenSPARC CPU Design, das eine Backdoor… … Deutsch Wikipedia
IMP — [Abk. für Inosin 5´ monophosphat]: ↑ Inosinphosphat. * * * Ịmp, der; s, [mhd. imp, ↑ Imme] (bayr.): Biene. * * * IMP, Abk. für Implikation … Universal-Lexikon
Imp — Imp: В Doom гуманоид тёмно коричневого цвета, неопределённого пола, с клыками и когтями больших размеров. Умеет стрелять шаровыми молниями из ладоней. Медлителен и маложивуч. В Dungeon Keeper малорослый шустрый карлик. Имеет большие глаза, как… … Википедия
imp — /imp/, n. 1. a little devil or demon; an evil spirit. 2. a mischievous child. 3. Archaic. a scion or offshoot of a plant or tree. 4. Archaic. an offspring. v.t. 5. Falconry. a. to graft (feathers) into a wing. b. to furnish (a wing, tail, etc.)… … Universalium
imp. — imp. 〈Abk. für lat.〉 imprimatur * * * imp. = imprimatur … Universal-Lexikon
Imp. — Imp. 〈Abk. für lat.〉 Imperator * * * imp. = imprimatur … Universal-Lexikon
imp — [ımp] n [: Old English; Origin: impa] 1.) a child who behaves badly, but in a way that is funny 2.) a small creature in stories who has magic powers and behaves very badly →↑impish … Dictionary of contemporary English
imp — [ ımp ] noun count 1. ) an imaginary creature that looks like a small child and likes to have fun by behaving badly 2. ) a child who behaves badly in a way that adults think is funny … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English