comp. Data Circuit-terminating Equipment
comp. Data Communications Equipment
comp. Distributed Computing Environment

Dictionary of English abbreviation. 2013.

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  • DCE — may refer to: Delhi College of Engineering, University of Delhi, India Dalian Commodity Exchange Data circuit terminating equipment, also called Data Communications Equipment or Data Carrier Equipment Cisco s DCE product portfolio Data Center… …   Wikipedia

  • DCE — steht für: Data Communication Equipment bzw. Data Circuit Terminating Equipment einer Datenstation, siehe Datenübertragungssystem Delhi College of Engineering, College in der Hauptstadt Indiens Dichlorethen, eine chemische Verbindung Dictionary… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • DCE — (Data Communications Equipment) device (usually a modem) that connects between a computer that is sending data and the destination (by way of the RS 232C interface) DCE (Distributed Computing Environment) suite of technologies and software which… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • DCE — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres   Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • DCE — I DCE,  Datenübertragung: Abk. für Data Communication Equipment. II DCE   [Abk. für Distributed Computing Environment], Benutzeroberflächen: von der Open Group definierte Benutzeroberfläche für Client Server Netzwer …   Universal-Lexikon

  • DCE — Data Communications Equipment. These are computer peripherals that communicate. A modem is a DCE. See also DTE …   Dictionary of telecommunications

  • DCE —   An acronym for Distributed Computing Environment, a standard method for sharing computing tasks across multiple computers. DCE is an initiative of the Open Software Foundation. See also Alpha and OSF/1 …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • DCE/RPC — DCE/RPC, short for Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Calls , is the remote procedure call system developed for the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). This system allows programmers to write distributed software as if it… …   Wikipedia

  • DCE Remote Procedure Call — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda DCE Remote Procedure Call o bien DCE RPC es un sistema de llamada a procedimiento remoto del conjunto de software OSF DCE.[1] DCE RPC no debe confundirse con DCE el cual es un conjunto de servicios que incluye DCE… …   Wikipedia Español

  • DCE Distributed File System — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda DCE Distributed File System o DCE DFS[1] es un protocolo de nivel de aplicación, según el Modelo OSI. Es utilizado para sistemas de archivos distribuido de DCE en un entorno de red de computadoras de área local.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • DCE Records — was a record label founded in the early 1990s by John Gray and Antony Coppens to enhance their existing electronic music experiments after encouragement from Damien Donato of Juice Records (Adelaide, Australia). DCE went on to have multiple… …   Wikipedia

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